Kamis, 27 Juli 2017


Name   : Novita Grace
Class    : 3EB37
NPM   : 28214084

-          Choose one of two form for true choice in sentence
-          If the reason by writing the reason in the notes bellow ten sentences

1.A/an university is a place to study and get skills
Because the the following words begin with a consonant sound and thus must always be preceded by the article “a”. Although the first word is the vowel that is "u" but does not always use the article “an”
2. I have many/much information to be told to you realeted with my education.
Because information is included by non-countnouns
3. She has one/two houses for her children.
Because houses is plural.
4. My new neighbor come/came to this city in two thousand year.
Because the sentence is past tense. And completed action that happened at one specific time in the past.
5. The girl has leave/left here for six month.
Because the sentence is past perfect tense. And completed action that happened.
6. I will gave/give everything you want, if want to be my life partner.
Because that sentences is included present furute tense
7. When I come/came, he was watching television.
Because a completed action that happened in the past.
8. While my father has reading the online newspaper, my mother will cook/is cooking in the kitchen.
Because the sentence happen in the same times and using present tenses.
9. When did you arrive at/in Jakarta
Because “Jakarta” is the name of the city, and for “at” is used for time and date.
10. After graduating from the university, most of students are going to look on/for good jobs.
Because after the preposition “for” is noun “good job”.

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